What if Oscar made an innocent mistake?

Who are we to Judge? I’m in mourning for the Steenkamp family and having lost a son, have a small sense of the emptiness and the questions that must be racing through their minds. It is a terrible time for Reeva’s Parents and friends. I do not know Oscar Pistorius or his family, but spare a thought for his Parents and family too. As Parents they will all be dumb founded, searching for answers.

Can we also stop all the speculation, the rumours, the sick jokes as once the Media Circus is over two families have to rebuild their lives and none of the critics will be around to comfort them then.

I’m not saying Oscar is innocent but have you paused for a moment to think, what if he is telling the truth? What if he was so paranoid about crime or intruders that he made a terrible mistake and shot the woman he loved? Can you imagine the heart ache, can you imagine the pain and suffering he will have to live with for the rest of his life?

A murder accused does not have to make a statement at a bail hearing, yet Oscar wanted to do so, even though it may incriminate him. He has access to the best legal team and forensic expert, yet they allowed him to make that statement, which leads me to believe that they not only believe him, but that their forensic evidence may possibly back up his statement. His Defence Lawyers would no doubt have cross examined/questioned him before allowing himself to make that statement and must be confident it can’t be shredded. The alternative is that they have condemned him to a Life (Death) sentence.

If they thought he was capable of Murdering a loved one, or if they felt it was a fabricated story, made up to try and cover up a terrible crime then surely they would have convinced him not to make such a statement and would have advised him to try and get a reduced sentence based upon temporary insanity, or something similar? These are the best Legal Minds available after all. Yes, he has admitted to shooting what he thought was an intruder and he will have to face a very serious number of charges.

Cops have already leaked confidential information to the media (bribes perhaps?). The Prosecutors may well be under pressure in the highest profile murder case this country has ever seen and mistakes can and will no doubt be made.

I have read that Oscar has had a number of girlfriends, but so have many other young, handsome men. I have read that Oscar has a temper, but so do many other high profile people, or sportsman and I’m not condoning it, but does it mean he is capable of pre meditated cold blooded Murder? I would rather not speculate and hope that our legal system brings the truth to the fore.

Ryk Neethling tweeted the following on 16 February, Sean Fitzpatrick once told me re media: “believe half of what you read and none of what you hear.” Not bad advice for the coming weeks!

In closing my sincere condolences to Barry Steenkamp and the Steenkamp family and my sympathies to the Pistorius family.