My life transformed from Black and White to Full Colour

My whole life has slowly but surely transformed from Black and White to Full Colour!! There was a Decade when I was a spectator of life and one of life’s biggest critics, but then I hit rock bottom and used that as a foundation to build upon. Step by step I’ve been building upon that foundation and am now a participant of life and loving every minute of it. Remember a T Junction is not the end of the road, unless you choose not to make the turn.

Circumstance helped me change drirection, then I cast a vision, a picture of the future that inspired me, that produced the necessary passion to want to change, to get out of the rut, the comfort zone. I started seeing myself as I could become and not as I was…. I look back now and smile at those dark days, important days as they helped shape my future.

Dawson Trotman once said “The greatest time wasted is the time getting started,” so make sure you do get started sooner, rather than later as the last thing you want to do is go to your grave with the ‘dance’ still left inside of you. Our lives change when we change something that we do everyday and success is the sum of many, many choices and sacrifices.

For me, the key was taking that first step! Weighing in at about a Ton, it was a bold step, but I elected to take it one step at a time and very soon the steps turned to days and the days became weeks, then months and years and when I look back I see an extraordinary transformation. A transformation from living a life in Black and White, to one where I’m living it in Full Colour.

Their have been many obstacles along the way, injuries and illness, financial and time constraints. But, the biggest obstacle has been my mind, as over time we allow our negative experiences and other people’s perceptions to place a ceiling on what we believe we can achieve. That little inner voice that tries to get us to slow down, that tells us that things are impossible, well it was a Giant five years ago and was holding me back….. but these days that little voice is like a skeleton, as I’ve starved him of airtime and he rarely gets fed, as I make a conscious effort to focus and feed my mind with positives.

I’ve suffered greatly along the journey, but I refuse to quit. They say suffering is temporary, while quitting is permanent. My late Dad taught me about the importance of getting up just once more. He said get up once more than you are knocked down (or back) and you will be a success my son.

Their is still much to strive for, but in the meantime I am grateful to my family, especially Michelle, Camryn and Jamie who sacrifice much as I chase my dreams. I am eternally grateful to my late stepson Reece who triggered the spark that has become a raging fire within and I am so, so grateful to my late Father, who inspired me to be the best I can be.

Although I lost my way along the way, I have tried hard to bounce back and will continue to do so and with God’s Grace I believe I will achieve my goals, which is simply to be the best that I can be.

“…sufferings produces perseverance; perseverance character; and character hope” Romans 5:3-4

Somebody recently asked when am I going to retire from Ironman? Truth is I’m only just getting into it, still much to learn & experience & share. Happy Days!!


A New Chapter Beckons – Isuzu – You Know You Can!

The Isuzu Double Cab has over the past year become my work vehicle, my family vehicle, my sporting vehicle and my adventure vehicle and with the launch of the sixth generation Isuzu KB, it is about to become my dream vehicle too.

Having just returned from the launch of the new Isuzu KB range in Mpumulanga, my head is still a little in the clouds but I can tell you that the new Isuzu KB 3 Litre D-Teq LX 4×4, which I had the pleasure of driving is stunning in many, many aspects.

Aspirational 4 x 4

Aspirational 4 x 4

Isuzu is renowned for their Diesel technology which is great for reliability and economy, but I can’t wait for my new vehicle to land, as it is a ‘looker’ of note, both internal and external. What was very noticeable to me was the quieter and smoother ride, while still providing the amazing all round capabilities of an awesome 4 x 4.

Last year I attended the Isuzu Offroad Academy, which is one of the best things I have done and I learnt so much from Marius Van Vuuren and Grant Mc Cleery so it was nice to be put through our paces in the new vehicles by these professionals on a testing 4x 4 track. The Double Cab lived up to it’s reputation, but I still have so much to learn to maximise my enjoyment of the vehicle and the 4x 4 world.

Isuzu introduced ‘Trail View’, an amazing concept that all 4 x 4 enthusiasts will benefit from. As now you can go off-road online, as Isuzu are busy maping out the best off-road trails in the country, which we can log on to and view the trails before we tackle them and for a greenhorn like me, it will be great just to know where they are, how long they may take and the degree of difficulty. (Experience Isuzu Trail View at

Isuzu is an Ironman South Africa partner and with the Specsavers Ironman only 4 weeks away (14 April), those attending Ironman will be able to see and test drive the all new Isuzu KB Bakkies and get a taste of the Isuzu Off-Road Academy. (Ironman athletes should let me know if they are interested and I can forward you the booking details)

Ironman Kona 2012 016

Another highlight for me was meeting Sibusiso Vilane, the first African to climb Mount Everest. I listened to Sibusiso’s inspirational talk at the Financial Planning Convention in Sandton last year (where I was talking on Financial Planning) and thought what an amazing story, what an incredible individual. As Sibusiso is also an Isuzu Brand Ambassador it seems like we may get to do a few adventure events together which really excites me. Watch out for Sibusiso at the Comrades Marathon where he will be running for the Nelson Mandela’s 46664 charity.

Sibusiso Vilane, 1st African to summit Everest

Sibusiso Vilane, 1st African to summit Everest

So all in all an amazing outing, an aspirational vehicle, an incredible team at GM who built this vehicle and I would like to thank the organisers for inviting me, what a privilege it was for me to be a part of the launch. To Alastair Ironside, Mlungisi Nonkonyana and Isuzu I am very proud to be a part of the Isuzu team and am exceptionally grateful for your support of my Ironman Adventures.

On Sunday 17th March (tomorrow) I participate in the SA Olympic Distance Championships in East London and then will be looking forward to competing (and representing Isuzu) at Ironman South Africa on 14th April. Thereafter it will be time to plot and plan the second half of 2013. Could it be Kona, Hawaii, or will it be Las Vegas, alternatively London. Exciting times!

Yes We Do!

Yes We Do!