Body Composition Changes

Fitness & Nutrition expert Dr. Rick Kattouf says In order to get leaner, there are five main components that we need to focus on. (extracted from an article by Dr R Kattouf on Training Peaks’ site.

1. Build muscle: Losing body fat means that we need to increase our metabolism and in order to do so, we need to build lean muscle. It can still be common in the world of endurance sports for weight training to be taboo; but it is the weight training that is key to building lean muscle and changing one’s body composition

2. Nutrition: I’ve been asked many times over the years, “Rick, I want to get my abs ripped; what is the best exercise to do this?” My answer has always been the same. The best exercise for ripped and lean abs is not exercise at all – it’s nutrition, nutrition, nutrition. Proper nutrition is a vital piece of the puzzle for losing body fat, getting lean and getting well hydrated. When it comes to nutrition, eating healthy is not the key; rather, eating “right” is the key. (And yes, carbohydrates are a key macronutrient for getting lean).

3. Heart rates: Sure, cardiovascular exercise is imperative for our sport-specific goals and it is very important for body composition change and body fat loss. But, not just any cardiovascular exercise. Training at the proper heart rates is critical for body fat loss and body composition change.

4. Sleep: Strength training, eating right and training at the proper heart rates are all three very important pieces to getting lean. The one component that may trump all of these is getting the proper amount of sleep each and every night.

5. The Mind: Encouraging individuals to switch their focus from body weight loss to body fat loss can often times be a mental struggle. Individuals may have to forget everything they ever thought and believed to be true about nutrition, fitness and weight loss. For example, individuals may believe that consuming carbohydrates will cause them to gain weight. Or, individuals may believe that weight training is going to make them “bulky”. We have to change the belief in order to change the result.

If you are ready to maximize performance and recovery and achieve that lean physique you have always desired, start to switch your focus and let body fat loss and body composition change take precedence over your body weight. Click here to view my webinar on body composition change.

IMSA race report 2013

swim start

In team events one team usually wins and another loses, leading to bitter sweet moments. In an Ironman, it’s much the same as there are those that are euphoric with their performance and those who feel disappointed on the day. However, when you reflect back and you allow your emotions time to settle and your body time to recover, you focus on the positives and you realise you achieved a great deal in overcoming the physical and mental challenges.

This was my experience, as initially I was very disappointed but on reflection I realised I achieved close to the best I could with what I had on the day and here is my war story for those who have any interest therein.

I’m not writing this report to offer excuses, as Ironman is like life where you are dealt certain cards and you have to deal with the hand you are dealt with there and then & you cannot say let’s postpone or restart this race next week, just as you cannot put off whatever storm crosses your path in your everyday life. I hope by writing this I am able to encourage those who face challenges that seem insurmountable in the moment, as that is exactly how I felt a multitude of times during Ironman 2013.

We need to appreciate that we are blessed and privileged just to be able to partake in this wonderful sport. So I think the key is to respect the challenge and to enter in the right spirit, which should be to try and finish at all costs and that anything better is a bonus.

With the Finish Line in mind, we have to commit to moving forward and to taking it step by step, no matter how daunting it is. The more you can stay in the present the better your outcome will be and that was certainly one of my mental challenges on the day. In my mind I was very well prepared for this Ironman and I had taken my running to a new level but my running, normally my ally, turned out to be my achilles heel.

I was very relaxed leading up to race day and on race morning enjoyed seeing so many friendly faces & supportive people and was appreciative to Graeme Gill for accompanying me to the start and very fortunate to see my wife Michelle a few minutes before the Canon fired.

I started the swim fairly comfortably and other than protecting myself from the flaying arms at the first Buoy, was having a comfortable swim until my first cramp attacked me. This was worrying as I’ve never cramped in an Ironman or in training before and being in the Ocean you tend to panic more than if it occurred on land, so I slowed and tried to ease it out, but it kept returning and at times I wondered if I would be able to complete the swim let alone the Ironman itself.

I knew I was damaging my calf for the run as it cramped repeatedly, but pushed on as hard as I could. I kept finding my mind drifting, thinking about what was wrong, was it the coldish water, was it nutrition related, how would this affect me on the bike and run?  To be honest I was a little demoralized before we hit terra firma at the end of the first swim lap but to my amazement I hit land in 29 minutes (lap one), which lifted me somewhat.  I took the second lap a little easier and ended up swimming 61 minutes which was a positive and I knew I was still in contention in my Age Group.


The bike was relatively trouble free, other than having my computer fall off on lap one  and dropping a full Cytomax bottle on lap two, although I hated that little easterly breeze that the spectators loved, probably thinking to themselves that we Ironmen must be in ‘weather heaven’.  This was going to be an Ironman with a difference, as there was no soft pedalling, it was either uphill with the Easterly or on the flatter coastal road into the Easterly and we Ironmen felt it, I’m just not sure the spectators did.

The crowds were amazing and this year I was making a more conscious effort to take in the atmosphere as I normally go into a zone where I’m oblivious to the crowds. Thanks to everyone for their support and to those at the Isuzu Tent, it was deafening riding past.


I was watching my Watts on my Garmin ( never saw my speed once ) and trying to ensure I never burnt too many matches (thanks to Joe Friel & MTD for those invaluable tips) and thought I was doing a pretty good job, conserving energy for the run, which is what Ironman is all about. I saw my friend Abel Esterhuizen making good progress behind me & I hit T2 after the 180k bike at about 13:30 & thought if I ran 3hrs 30 I could still make it in ten hours. At this stage the cramps of the swim seemed behind me and I was very positive heading into the run, believing I could pull back the twenty odd minutes on the leaders from 9th position, as I had been awaiting this run chase all day and for weeks before.

The first few kilometres of the run were ever so easy even though my calf was tight and I had to keep on forcing myself to slow down and at this stage I was in running heaven. I was ecstatic to see my good friend  Kyle Buckingham come cruising past and we had a little chat and he was beaming from ear to ear, what a talent! (Well done Kyle, your hard work paid off.)

Running along the Beachfront the cheers and support was deafening and an International Pro who was running in front of me kept looking back at me and my number (#1388) and eventually asked me “Who are you?” and it reminded me of Jorg Knor once asking me if I was the Mayor of PE, as so many people were cheering my name. To the supporters along the roadside, you have no idea how much you lift our spirits, especially on the second and third laps when we are weary and reality sets in. The men’s winner said at the Awards evening that he had never experienced such crowds, so please know this, you are helping to put Port Elizabeth on the map, as the Pros just love this race.

run 2

I ran the first lap very conservatively (68 min) and had moved up to third and the second lap was seemingly going quite well until close to the back gate of the University (23km). I hadn’t even pressed the button yet as I was awaiting the final lap to make my intended move but then my calf starting cramping again, small spasms at first but gradually getting tighter and longer. At the same time my mind, which is normally my strength started wilting…. not a good sign at all. Louis De Villiers who had had a brilliant bike was very encouraging and tried to keep me going but just before the Golf Club I experienced the most dreadful spasm and was flat on my back on the roadside for what appeared like an eternity. I had visions of my race being over as I honestly didn’t think I could run through this pain, as it was like something I hadn’t experienced before.

Note I said I thought my ‘race’ was over, as in ‘racing’ for a podium finish and a Kona slot, but the most important thing was that I was still intent on finishing and switched to survival mode. I was determined not to repeat my 6hr 15 min marathon recorded in the 2009 Ironman, so in time I got back to my feet, walked a little and then started plodding along, then I saw Freddy Lampret a km further down the road and asked him what I could do to alleviate the cramps and he suggested something, which definitely helped a great deal-thanks Freddy. Also saw Damien Catherine (Official) and enquired about Medics & he suggested ice at the water stations which appeared to help, maybe it was the placebo affect 🙂

I tried to get inspiration from thinking of my late Stepson Reece, from my late Dad, from Michelle Enslin & Michael Bester’s late withdrawals due to Flu, from my colleague John Osmond’s  triple heart bypass on the Friday & from the many hours of training and sacrifices. I kept reciting the verse  which was printed on the back of my race top and yes, I was getting the necessary strength to push on, to absorb the pain, but it appeared like I was running in slow motion as I trudged along towards the madding crowds.

Believe me, this was  becoming one of the hardest things in living memory and it would have been so easy to slow down, to walk or to raise the white flag but I remembered the story of ‘Burn the Boats’ and I knew I could not surrender. Finishing or quitting was becoming an ever present debate between Mr Be Good and Mr No Good  in my brain and this was not because I was losing, as we are not defeated by others, only we can defeat ourselves.

I was solely focussed on the Finish at this time and not on raising my pace, as I fully believed that my ‘race’ was over, but then I passed my family and friends and that lifted me and I was surprised when they told me I was 7th  & not too far behind third, as I thought I had lost so much time with my stops, walks and plods. Once again the incredible crowd support encouraged me to keep on pressing on and even though my body was in agony and my mind was playing games, I still tried to convince my brain that I held a slender chance of a top ten finish, as it was a war of attrition out there.

At the S Bend (12km to go) I saw the 4th, 5th and 6th runner all Internationals & all within a minute and my competitive instinct, which had malfunctioned for a while, resurfaced and I thought come on you must never, ever give up (although if I am honest I had sort of thrown in the ‘racing’ towel over those last 7 kilometers and I’m disappointed in myself for that). I fought hard with my mind to give it one more try, but it was a daunting task as it would take more than an hour of suffering. Somehow  I settled into a rhythm, which I don’t think was very fast, but seemingly fast enough as I started making progress.

Slowly but surely I used my imaginary fishing rod and reeled my fellow Age Groupers back one by one. In life once you succeed in a task, your motivation levels rise and the same in sport, as every time I caught and passed one of my opposition I was feeling a little more motivated, but knew I had to stay calm as the calf was on the verge of cramping every so often.

By the time I got back to the Isuzu tent (9km to go) I was in 2nd place, which was quite amazing as literally 5km earlier my ‘race’ was done and dusted. Then it was into the University grounds away from the madding crowds and it is here that the mind plays tricks on you and I must say that at times my mind was being tested to the hilt and I felt like I was hallucinating. I opted to nurse the lead I had and to try and save something for the finish and early race leader Andre Bekker, who had biked amazingly, caught back up to me with 3km to go and now the duel was well and truly on.

There was lots of surging and no quarter was asked or given and from about 3rd avenue I started pushing hard, but felt a spasm so backed off a little but was still determined to head into the finishing chute first to get the best line, with Bekker on my shoulder. We rounded the first corner and I moved to the left as there was a slower runner on the right and just as we were about to turn right into the finishing straight I was flying (shoved) into the barriers (pictured on the big screen for all to see) and gone was any chance of a fair sprint. So I ended third, a trifle disappointed but happy I had pushed through and challenged for the podium placings. I want to take this opportunity of congratulating AG winner Marcus Jores of Germany, you certainly put us to the sword with a dominating display of power riding and strong running and to all the other Gents participating in my Age Group thanks for a tough duel.

In hindsight I was happy with my result, the bonus being that there were 3 slots to Kona, Hawaii for the World Championships, so I’ve reserved a slot just in case.

What really spoilt my day was that I never got the opportunity to walk out of the finish and embrace my wife, my children and my grandchild, as Andre Bekker seemingly wasn’t satisfied with his silver medal and verbally attacked me before anybody could say a word, saying that I had blocked him & swearing and threatening me in front of my wife and children, as if to justify his unsportsmanlike actions.  (have it all recorded on video, with him even pushing and shoving me – but I elected not to retaliate, perhaps because I was literally out on my feet or maybe I’m comfortable with having given of my best). I also decided not to object, as I didn’t need to inherit a second placing as positions don’t define us as people.

I am still physically and mentally sore, but in time we recover, pick up the pieces and move on to the next challenge. Thanks to everyone for their support, especially Michelle and the family and Kim and Graeme Gill, you were stars. Thanks to my sponsors Isuzu, you guys are amazing and so supportive. Thanks also to Orca, Cytosport and Oakley for their continued support.

Thanks to my colleagues at the office, in particular Andrew and thanks as always to my clients for their immense support. Thanks to Nick Van Der Leek for the pictures, he sent me, much appreciated and used with pride.

Also thanks to Specsavers for the past ten years and to Paul, Keith and Mandla for the vision in bringing this race to our shores. Also, thanks to my training partners and well done to Ryan Johnston and Dan Howitz on your awesome races….. Kona is on the horizon guys!!!

Congratulations to everyone who completed Ironman 2013, you are all winners in my eyes! Appreciate my God given talent and looking forward to the next chapter in this Journey called Life!!!

YES, you Can, you Will, you Want to!!

YES, you Can, you Will, you Want to!!

My Tips for racing Ironman South Africa

Perhaps one of the greatest challenges you’ve ever faced is awaiting you on Sunday 14 April, 2013… so how best do you ensure you maximise your training, your potential and your belief systems?

Any of a 3.8km swim, a 180km time trial or a standard marathon is daunting enough for the majority of the world’s population, so the fact that you are doing all three back to back escalates you to Super Hero or Super Fit status, irrespective of whether you are aiming for a pre sunset finish, or a pre Midnight finish. Fortunately I’ve never blown badly enough to finish in the minutes leading up to Midnight, but I have been at the Finish Line Party & the final hour is the best, the craziest & the most emotional, so perhaps one day I’d like to experience that on the Red Carpet, in the meantime I’m happy to lose my voice encouraging the toughest Ironman athletes in the final hour.

An Ironman Finish Line = An unbelieavable feeling!

An Ironman Finish Line = An unbelievable feeling!

Pause and think back to how it all started and when; Think back to the early struggles, for me I couldn’t run 20 minutes in 2004 without stopping & for you it may have been a struggle to swim a length of the pool. Reflect on how far you have come and know that setting achievable goals would have been key, as achieving a Goal, no matter how small is the first step towards personal improvement.

However, it is also important to realize that achieving a goal fuels our motivation levels so we need to apply this at IMSA. For Ironman set a multitude of smaller, achievable goals that you can tick off on your Ironman journey, as this will fuel positive thoughts and motivation to persevere. I force feed myself positive thoughts as often as possible, example if I don’t get bumped or don’t stumble on the run in to the ocean, I’m saying to myself “That was an awesome start, thank you”. I immediately feel positive, feel good and am focussed on the next goal which is to reach the first buoy within my comfort zone.

Race week is tough, especially for novices as you are very often a bundle of nerves, you feel you should be putting in one last long ride, but don’t! Your body feels heavy, in fact you may gain a kilo or two as you’ve cut back on training, no need to panic as it happens to all of us. Spend as little time as possible at the Expo & as early in race week as possible. Register, take a breeze around the Expo, purchase only what you need and don’t buy on a whim & definitely don’t buy the latest fads, be it equipment or nutrition unless you can defer using it till after Ironman.

You will see some super slick athletes and wonder where they bought their tans (or bodies), to me they are invisible and all you need to remember is that you are not here to race anyone, but yourself as your duel is with the course and with your mind. Full Stop!! Try and have a short sea swim or two, to get the feeling of the ocean and get some bearings on the course.

A couple of years back I took my good friend Gordon Graham out for a swim and he was very apprehensive having failed previously to finish the swim. I encouraged him to start slowly, avoid the thrashing arms and legs and to forcefully feed his mind positive thoughts, as your mind can only hold one thought at a time and if it is being dominated with positives, then there is no space or time for negative thoughts, which lead to self-doubt.  Gordon said it worked for him, so maybe if the swim is an obstacle for you, you should try it too, remember you have 2hrs 20 minutes so if you are a weaker swimmer don’t rush it, as it is this that causes the anxiety and line up closest to the Pier, allowing the stronger swimmers a little more room to swim water polo style/ferocity to the first buoy. (

Another unnecessary cause of anxiety is the big topic of the week, the weather and even I sometimes get caught up in it, even though I know it’s out of my control. By all means have an idea what the weather is likely to do, but the prediction has been wrong every year but we don’t have a direct line upstairs so we will never know until race day dawns, so try not to lose any sleep over the weather.

Try and eat as close to what you are used to for the final 2-3 days and yes, it is extremely difficult if you are in a hotel, but what you eat is your race fuel and KFC, while doing wonders for the Kidz for Ironman Charity, just won’t cut it as Ironman nutrition I’m afraid, so stay clear of the fast food outlets till after the race. Drink plenty, but not solely water and if you are drinking water, add some form of electrolytes to the water. Also try and get off your feet as much as possible and get some good sleep, especially on the Friday evening, this is the key sleep night.

Make sure you check your bike on Saturday by taking it for a short ride, check tyres, gears and the like as once you’ve checked it in, then it has to be ready to race although you can pump the tyres on the morning of the race. Don’t pump them too hard as it’s a bumpy course and super hard tyres can drain your body for the run. When racking your bike and hanging your bike/run bags make sure you do a recce of the transition area & find a few landmarks  so you know where you are when looking for your bike, as you may be a little disorientated after the swim.


So back to race day, get up early and eat your normal breakfast, this is not time to be experimenting with the new wonder food you heard about at the Expo. You should have gone through your checklist ( and set everything out the day before, in order to minimize stress on the morning of the race. Then make your way down to transition, sort out your bottles on the bike, check your tyres and try and stay calm. Once again avoid rushing around last minute, it could destroy your race.

You will be feeling the excitement by now and if it’s your first you will be amazed at the crowd support, something quite unique to this Ironman. At this point I’d like to thank Race Directors Paul, Keith and Mandla, as well as Specsavers for their vision in bringing this race to our shores & City, for me it’s been a lifesaver  as it’s helped me transform myself and I know many have been inspired by the race. Excitement will continue to build and the adrenalin will be flooding through your system as the National Anthem is sung/played moments before the Pros are set free by the Cannon!

This year, for the first time, we start 15 minutes after the Pros so that may add more anxiety as it’s often better to get going sooner rather than later. I’m not sure I like the new arrangement, and I’m sure a top AG like Kyle Buckingham would prefer to be on the heels of the Pros,  but Ironman is not about individuals it is about what is best for the race and also for the Professionals and I trust the Race Directors have made the correct decision. The top female Pros like Jodie Swallow and Caroline Gregory certainly think it is the way to go and they do if for a living, so we have to back them.

After what will feel like an eternity, it will be our turn and close on 1800 Age Groupers will hit the surf as one and please try and stay as calm as possible, as you have the whole day ahead of you & for some half the night as well. I always say take the first Ten easy, which implies the first 10 minutes of the swim, the bike and the run, but especially the swim. If you swim your first 100m just 5-10 seconds faster than your comfort zone, it’s virtually tickets and tax time as you will have to stop or slow down. Be wise and treat the first few hundred meters to the first buoy as your warm up, turn the buoy set sight for the crane in the harbour and settle into a steady rhythm. At worst it may have cost you a minute or two but it may save you an hour or two later in the day.

Bear in mind the current forecast is a gentle Easterly wind for Sunday (source Windguru), which is not a problem but it may have been blowing East since Thursday, which if correct means there is a chance of Blue Bottles. Suggest you apply vaseline to face & neck to try and ensure protection against Blue Bottles if they are around. A 2-3 day East will churn the ocean up a bit, so all the more reason to swim easy and ensure you are comfortable as you may get quite a bit of chop in your face. No need to panic as your wetsuit provides plenty of buoyancy and helps even more in choppy seas.  Please respect your fellow competitors and try not to smack each other, or knock a swimmers goggles off, ocean swimming is tough enough,

Anyway hopefully Windguru’s forecast is a belated April Fools joke and we will awaken on Sunday to a gentle West, which has happened before. The water temperature has been chilly the past few weeks so pack an extra cap, especially if you have a Tour De France physique. You will no doubt be told at race briefing (as RD Paul Wolff will be asked), what if no swim? Then I’m under correction, but it becomes a Duathlon which comprises a 14km run, followed by a 180km bike and a 28km run. Let’s hope not, as we all want to be true, blue Ironman finishers.

At the end of the first swim lap, you have a brief encounter with the more familiar land, savour the jog or the walk, recover a little, smile at the crowds and then head out for your second lap and try and repeat. If you were feeling a little tired on the short jog/walk on the beach it probably means you are pushing too hard and you should consider backing off a little on lap two. Coming off the beach after completing the swim is an amazing feeling but don’t get carried away and don’t rush through transition. Focus on what you have to do, ensure your helmet is on comfortably, that you have your Oakleys, your suncreen and your nutrition.

Onto the bike we go for the first of three 60km laps and beware the first ten minutes, as you will feel very good, the adrenalin will be pumping, the crowds screaming and the course is electric fast for the first 3km. Chill the way you would when starting a looong training ride, after all you need the blood flow to re-organise itself and you want to get your heart rate down. After 3km you turn up Fire Station Hill and this one minute climb could set you back terribly if you burn a Joe Friel match up there, so err on the side of caution, spin a light gear and wait till you have crested this Hill before you try and settle into any rhythm of note for the next 8 or so kilos of gradual climbing.

Cut back on long rides/runs

Hold back a little on the bike to set up the Run!

Also I only sip on water for the first 10-20 minutes, as this enables my stomach to settle, especially after a bumpy swim and a few mouthfuls of salty sea water. Thereafter I drink my normal sports drink (Cytosport) and start taking the first of many Gels, as nutrition is the fourth discipline of this testing race.

Try and treat the first lap (60km) as your warm up, the second as a steady pace and the final lap will be hard no matter what, but the easier you start and build into the bike, will end up paying immense dividends during the run. If it is an Easterly, even a mild one the ride will be a beast, so throw the PB’s or time challenges out of the window and take it easy, remembering the bike is their to either set up or destroy a good run.

Remember the metabolic cost does not increase linearly all the time, there is a point where you have to use almost double the effort to score a few extra km/hr, Avoid pushing too hard and try and pedal up the hills at the same pressure you ride the flats. In 2009 I pushed too hard the final 20km (racing or panicking) and ended up taking 6hr 15 for the marathon, don’t let all your hard work be destroyed by racing somebody else (Keep your Pride in your pocket).

Take the final 10km (from Noordhoek Ski-Boat club) a little easier, take some liquids, stretch a little and start preparing your mind for the run. Another thing to bear in mind is that it is the Speed that kills and not the Distance, so don’t try and run a Personal best for the first 10km.

If you feel good at the start of the marathon, don’t go yet, take it easy, especially the first 2km to the S bend. You’ve been cycling for hours on end, so allow the body to reset itself, enabling it to better handle the new & final challenge. Once again treat the first of the 3 laps as a warm up, believe me you can never go too easy.

A tough Marathon lay ahead....

A good Marathon ensures a good Ironman….

Don’t forget your nutrition and if you are struggling with the Gels or similar, maybe try some coke and water. I often race the final two laps on coke and water, as I struggle to take in Gels later in the race.

Racing an Ironman is mainly about pacing and nutrition until you get to the halfway mark of the run, which hits you in the middle of the desert, or more particularly within the University grounds where there are few refreshment tables and no supporters. Then it becomes a mental game and the difference between a good Ironman and an Ironman finish is usually how best you can control your mind over the final 21km.

Always keep moving forward, no matter how bad it feels and remember that quitting is forever and pain is temporary. Incidentally the Medal is forever too, so stay focussed and force feed all the positives you can muster, as they will help keep the negatives at bay. Draw on the energy from the crowds on the beachfront and remember how much your family and friends have sacrificed for you to be here, chasing your Dream….. and believe me, they don’t want to hear “Sorry, but I’ll try again next year.”

Keep thinking of that Finisher’s Medal and Paul Kaye’s words “You are an Ironman”, believe me those final 100m along the red (or blue) carpet are something to behold and it is something you must want to fight for, so be prepared to go to War to get there. (War with your Mind) You will lose a few Battles (bad patches) but any War worth winning has always incorporated a few lost Battles.

One final tip, if it’s getting really tough, be it cramps, vomiting, mind games or whatever…. Be prepared to slow down, even to stop temporarily, but Never throw in the towel unless advised by the Medics. Your body is trained to recover (quickly) and to reset itself, so just like a computer has to be switched off and reset, stop, take a breather, allow your Heart Rate to drop, enabling the body to better absorb your nutrition and within 10-15 minutes you will feel better and ready to continue in search of that elusive Finisher’s Medal. All the best.

Happy and relieved to have finally started and finsihed the Ironman World Championships

Happy and relieved to have finally started and finished the Ironman World Championships

My tips for Open Water Swimming

1. Practice swimming in a wetsuit.

2. Practice open water swimming and especially ocean swimming.

3. Wear a second swim cap if the water is cold.

Mass Swim Start (Kona)

Mass Swim Start (Kona)

4. Take a warm up swim to reduce the shock when you are racing into the water.

5. Be wary of over hydrating prior to the swim start.

6. Be careful of starting too fast, besides the fact that a very fast first 100m could destroy a good swim, it could be dangerous too.

7. If you are not used to open water swims, or pack swims, start a little to the side, or enter the water after the masses by waiting 10-20 seconds.

8. If you feel any shortness of breath, slow down or stop to see if you can recover. Signal for support, even if just to monitor you while you may be trying to ascertain if you have gone too fast, or are in bigger trouble.

9. Make sure your wetsuit fits properly, if it’s too tight it could restrict movement/breathing.

10. If you do have a SIPE episode, get out of the water or the race. (SIPE = Swimming Induced Pulmonary Edema)


The challenges faced in Ironman Swims

One of the most challenging parts of an Ironman is very often the open water swim and more particularly an Ocean swim.

Mass Swim Start (Kona)

I would like to dedicate my time spent in compiling these thoughts and links to Kevin Staessen and Berton Bosman who lost their lives in East London and trust that you will dedicate your time in reading/sharing them to the memories of these young men.

My tips for Open Water Swimming (based upon experience and what I’ve read):

1. Practice swimming in a wetsuit.

2. Practice open water swimming and especially ocean swimming.

3. Wear a second swim cap if the water is cold.

4. Take a warm up swim to reduce the shock when you are racing into the water.

5. Be wary of over hydrating prior to the swim start.

6. Be careful of starting too fast, besides the fact that a very fast first 100m could destroy a good swim, it could be dangerous too.

7. If you are not used to open water swims, or pack swims, start a little to the side, or enter the water after the masses by waiting 10-20 seconds.

8. If you feel any shortness of breath, slow down or stop to see if you can recover. Signal for support, even if just to monitor you while you may be trying to ascertain if you have gone too fast, or are in bigger trouble.

9. Make sure your wetsuit fits properly, if it’s too tight it could restrict movement/breathing.

10. If you do have a SIPE episode, get out of the water or the race. (See link at foot of page on SIPE = Swimming Induced Pulmonary Edema)

A tremendous amount of research has been done in the USA and although detailed medical history and autopsy findings were not available for each case, USAT inferred that most triathlon-related fatalities were caused by sudden cardiac death. Fatality rates do not appear to be influenced by the length of the race, method of swim start (mass, wave, or time trial start), and previous triathlon experience (or lack thereof). An analysis of course conditions determined unsafe environments or negligence on the part of event organizers did not play a role in any of the deaths.

Additionally, USAT did not find enough evidence of deaths caused by Swimming-Induced Pulmonary Edema (SIPE), a popular theory in news media outlets and triathlon discussion forums. However, the panel advises that athletes err on the side of caution and seek assistance if experiencing “unusual or unfamiliar shortness of breath while swimming.” NOTE: I would highly recommend reading the article on SIPE or IPE (AR).

Other USAT recommendations for athletes include:

– Visit a doctor for a physical examination, with an emphasis on heart health, before participating in the sport.

– Create a race plan consistent with health, fitness and preparation.

– Properly prepare for open water swimming prior to race day.

– Make sure all equipment works properly.

– Learn CPR and be prepared to use those skills when needed.

– During the event, stop at the first sign of a medical problem, including chest pain/discomfort, light-headedness or unusually high heart rate.

The 14-page USA Triathlon Fatality Incidents Study has been released to the general public. After 5 triathlete deaths in the summer of 2011, the sport’s governing body created a task force to investigate the safety of the sport and this review represents the largest-ever study of triathlon event-related fatalities.

See link to USA study below: (see bottom of the linked page to click to the report):

See link to articles/blogs on SIPE and IPE: (I think the first article on the slowtwitch site is sufficient and provides some very good points, but I’ve included two others for those who want to read more)

Iron Man Check List


Below is a list of items and checks that may be useful to you: 

Pre-race day

1.     Photo ID  (required at registration)

2.     Ensure bike in good working order. (Book a bike service-you’ve invested too much not to)

3.     Nutrition (Race Drink, Bars, Gels, Recovery Drinks)

4.     Race Bottles for Bike and Special Needs Bags (extra)

5.     Reading material or I Pod for relaxation in build-up to race

6.     Bike Pump and Spares

7.     Bike Tools (just in case)

8.     Bike and Race Kit.

Special Needs Bag : Cycle

  1. Ensure Bike Bag numbered both sides (stickers provided at registration)
  2. Place extra tube and one ‘bomb’ ( just in case it’s needed)
  3. Place 1-2 bottles of race energy drink (best to drink what you train on)

Suggest freeze above overnight, wrap in old t-shirt and put in plastic bag.

4. Place extra Gels/Bars or whatever else you think you may need

NB: What you don’t use, you lose, so avoid placing something valuable.

5. Take to Drop off Truck (don’t get bags mixed up)

Special Needs Bag : Run

  1. Ensure Run Bag numbered both sides (stickers provided at registration)
  2. Place 1 bottle of race energy drink (best to drink what you train on)

Suggest freeze above overnight, wrap in old t-shirt and put in plastic bag.

3. Place extra Gels/Bars or whatever else you think you may need

4. Place small ant- chafe or Vaseline in case of chafing (possibly a plaster)

5. Spare running socks (if shoes/socks get wet a change of socks would help a great deal)

6. Old warm top (in case you are out late and it gets cold)

7. Take to Drop off Truck (don’t get bags mixed up)

Race Day : SWIM

  1. Swim goggles that don’t fog up (take a spare set and try anti fog on goggles)
  2. Wetsuit
  3. Extra swim cap (if cold wear under race swim cap)
  4. Compression (calf) guards (if use these, put on under wetsuit)
  5. Race Chip with ankle belt (supplies by race) NB: Don’t leave in Hotel room. Pin it for safety.
  6. Bottle of liquid to stay hydrated
  7. Sunblock (Don’t put near eyes pre swim )
  8. Ant- Chafe
  9. Tri Suit (I wear mine beneath my wetsuit as extremely difficult to put your race top on if body wet)
  10. Warm Clothes (could be chilly late April, don’t waste energy trying to keep warm)
  11. Swim Bag if no family present (put clothes, anti-chafe, etc in bag and take to swim bag drop off)


  1. Collect Cycle Bag off Rack

Race Number (NB: Take a race belt: attach number to race belt ready to put on pre bike, you will only be issued with 1 race number, so a number belt is highly recommended as can serve bike and run requirements).

2. Race Helmet

3. Sunglasses

4. Bike Shoes (either in bag or on bike)

DO NOT try mount your bike with shoes attached to bike if you have never practiced this) 1376457_643380632350736_1107955419_n[1]

5. Socks/Gloves if utilised

6. Bottles with nutrition (should have been placed on bike pre-race, ie. morning of race)

7. Nutrition to take with you (whatever your preference: bars, gels, etc)

NB: Place nutrition in bags on morning of race, not Saturday mid-day (may be hot).

8. Bike spares should be attached to your bike

9. Bike will have been racked on Saturday (check for landmarks as to where your bike is parked)

10. Visit sunscreen table as you exit transition tent.


  1. Collect Run Bag off Rack
  2. Turn race number to face front (on bike it would face back)
  3. Running Shoes and fresh socks (in case it rains can put dry socks on)
  4. Peak/Cap (if running in afternoon this is a must)
  5. Sunglasses if required
  6. Nutrition to take with you (whatever your preference: bars, gels, etc)
  7. Anti-chafe or Vaseline
  8. Warm top if running late afternoon or evening (it can get cold after sun goes down).
  9. Visit the sunscreen table if venturing onto run in afternoon.

Other Considerations:

  1. What nutrition on race day? Try use what you have trained on. I use Cytomax, but each has their own personal preference. Gu Brew (drink) and Gels will be available on the course.
  2. Do not try anything new. You should have practiced your nutrition, it is the 4th discipline of an Ironman.
  3. Make sure your running shoes (and your socks) are worn in, do not wear new.
  4. Worry about what you can control and not what you can’t control. This implies, know what the weather will do BUT don’t let it get you down, if it’s an Easterly it will make the cycle tougher, so pace yourself accordingly, especially on the new course.
  5. Be aware of the likely weather conditions before packing your transition bags and special needs bags. For example if extremely cold day forecast, you may decide to wear arm warmers on bike.
  6. Recce the course and the transition area.
  7. Check bike, especially Tyres on morning of race.
  8. Leave your Pride at home and race at your pace, Ironman is an endurance race, not a sprint!
  9. Remember the first ten minutes (of all 3 disciplines) can destroy your day… be cautious!
  10. Perseverance is not about talent/time it is about finishing.
  11. Enjoy The Journey!!!
  12. Wishing you a Great Day.
  13. Look forward to Paul Kaye and his fellow announcers welcoming you home.
  14. See you at the Finish Line Party (the final hour is the best).
  15. Bring your party mojo to the Awards evening, there will be plenty to celebrate.
  16. You Know You Can!!!

Thanks to the organisers, sponsors, officials and volunteers for making our day so special!! Well done and good luck to the ’23 Heroes’ doing their 10th consecutive Ironman!

YES, you Can, you Will, you Want to!!

YES, you Can, you Will, you Want to!!