Two Week Test

A two week test as advocated by Dr Phil Maffetone:                                                   (and some comments from my Journal)

Purpose: Get Healthier; Lose Body Fat; Improve Aerobic Function & Overall Endurance!

Outcome Expected: Jumpstarts Metabolism into a higher Fat Burning State!

Objective: Restrict moderate and high-glycemic (GI) carbohydrates. (NB: not to restrict calories, or fat, or all carbohydrates more the highly processed carbs and high GI carbs).

No need to weigh foodstuffs or count calories, as this is not a Diet. Simply eat what you’re allowed and avoid what should be avoided, snack properly (every 2 hours if necessary) and don’t get hungry, all for TWO weeks!!!

Foods to Eat during the Test:

You may eat as much of these foods as you like:

-Eggs (white and yolk)

-Heavy (whipping) cream and/or Sour Cream

-Unprocessed Cheeses (real cheeses)

-Unprocessed Meats (incl Beef, Venison, Turkey, Chicken, Lamb)

-Fish and Shellfish

-Tomato or other vegetable juices eg Carrot juice


-Nuts, seeds, nut butters

-Cooked or raw vegetables (No Potatoes or Corn)

-Oils, Vinegar, Mayonnaise, Salsa, Mustard, Spices

-All Coffee and Tea

Foods to Avoid:

-Breads, Rolls, Chips, Crackers, Muffins, Cakes, Cereal, Biscuits.

-Fruits and Fruit Juices

-Pasta and Potatoes

-Sweets including products containing sugar (Sauces, Honey)

-Highly processed meats such as cold cuts

-Corn, Rice, Beans

-Milk, Yoghurt

-So called healthy snacks (including energy bars/drinks… unless long endurance training)

-All sodas, including diet drinks

Notes on Alcohol:

-Alcohol allowed includes Dry Wines and Pure distilled spirits (Gin, Vodka, Whiskey) mixed with plain carbonated water, including seltzer.

-Alcohol not allowed includes sweet wines, beer, champagne and alcohol containing sugar (Brandy, Rum) or Alcohol with Tonic/Soda water.

When in Doubt, Avoid It!!!!

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