Mind the Gap! (Week 5)

I have just endured one of the toughest weeks I have ever encountered (on so many fronts), but let me stick to the nutrition & fitness challenges as I doubt anybody is truly interested in anything else.

You’ve heard the saying “Mind The Gap”, well it’s always lurking and it it’s so easy to fall into a hole, but it’s important to realize that a brick Wall isn’t there to stop us, it’s there for us to show how badly we want something. 1174929_634108286611304_1718684164_n[1]

The ‘Gap’ is that space between starting something (the first Border Post) and actually accomplishing it (the second Border Post) and very often it’s a looong ‘Gap’ and it’s important to be aware that there is, more often than not, trouble at the Border Post. Most people fail to bridge the ‘Gap’, as they either stumble at the first sign of an obstacle, or it’s a lot tougher than they had imagined, alternatively they don’t really want it badly enough.

Bridging the Gap requires a lot of PFP (passion, focus & perseverance), but believe me it is always worth it!

Peaks and Valleys: 1234788_633217686700364_317431667_n[1]

As I often say to Investors, it is important to remain committed to the markets as it is time in the markets that secure financial independence, as opposed to trying to timing the markets. I guess weight loss, or rather FAT loss is much the same, some weeks you will be down and others up, but as long as you remain committed their will be a steady drop until you reach your desired goal.

Sometimes I wish I could preach to myself and listen to what I say or know, as opposed to falling into the trap that the herd fall into, which is expecting overnight results.

So last week I was on a massive high, having witnessed my metabolism kick into gear and lose 3Kg and although I did caution myself by saying I expect I may experience a little Plateau this week, I wasn’t prepared for what happened this week. So yes, the ‘Gap’ was lurking and I can tell you that there were moments I felt like disappearing into a hole and forgetting, or putting off my Goals for another day. But that would be the easy option!

The problem with putting Goals off for another day, is that Tomorrow never comes and fortunately I had ‘Burnt the Boats’ by committing to write a weekly Blog. Fortunate as that makes it a whole lot tougher to throw in the towel, slow down or surrender!

So I am pleased to say that I am still pursuing my Goals, which is to eat healthier by learning more about Nutrition and to get leaner in an effort to be more competitive and I hope to do that by eating less refined Carbohydrates and experimenting with the LCHF nutrition plans advocated by the likes of Prof Tim Noakes, Dr Phil Maffetone & others.

In short as a competitive sportsman I am F.A.T. and want to become more streamlined so to eradicate the F.A.T. I need to apply 3 key principles, namely Focus/Action/Time!

Time is key and I cannot afford to waste any more months, let alone years so I am totally committed!! 1185732_636999202988879_1378074654_n[1]

So why was it so tough this week?

Well as excited as I was last week to lose the Kilos, I was shocked to my core to see them creep back on and I really do not know why. I was still quite disciplined during the week and the only thing I can put it down to was eating quite a bit of Kudu Biltong (which was quite salty) and eating more fruit and having a few extra light beers than the previous weeks, but should that have seen me put 2 Kilos back on? The previous week I had eaten no Biltong, so I’m wondering if water retention as a result of eating Biltong(vs not eating) had something to do with the fluctuation in weight.

Alternatively it could be the carbs from the fruit or the beers? To be honest I don’t have the answers, but I will persevere and experiment to see what works and what doesn’t.

So last week I was down to 86,5 Kg and feeling good about things, but this week I am up to 88,5Kg and feeling quite down and slightly perplexed. ( Ouch… I’ve only lost 2,5 Kg in 5 weeks and that hurts!!!)

Who said it was going to be Easy?

Nobody, absolutely nobody! To be honest anything I have achieved in life with ease, is hardly worth talking about, so I am used to having to work hard to get to where I want to get to. Although my mind was tested this week and tested properly, my Passion is still burning within, my Focus remains steadfast, and I intend to persevere (PFP) for a whole lot longer. Goal

You’ve heard that little voice that rings between the ears saying it’s not worth it, that we can’t do it, that there is an easier option, that it’s too cold, too dark or too early? Well I hear him all the time, but I’m not prepared to listen to him, I simply have to have the courage to stand up to him and keep pushing back each and every day and especially in the early days. It is these little daily battles that make me stronger in a race, when the chips are down you know you’ve sacrificed one hell of a lot just to get to the start line, you are not going to give up the fight too easily. I know it’s not easy, but I do know it is worth it, especially when you eventually achieve a worthwhile Goal.

So if I can achieve this personal Goal I’ve set myself, I hope to be able to inspire others to have the courage to soldier on when all seems lost, in an effort to achieve their Goals.

Even if it takes me a year (or longer) to work out what works and what doesn’t, it will not only set me up for a decent shot in my Age Group at Kona in 2015, but may also be better for my health and well-being long term.

Before I sign off I can tell you that I no longer have cravings for sweet things anymore, which is a big plus. So I’ve broken a really bad habit in terms of daily actions and in terms of mental desires, so I guess I am making some progress and look forward to the day when I’m 5, possibly 10 Kg lighter and enjoying my running again!

Thanks to all those who’ve sent encouragement, thoughts, comments, etc your time and effort is greatly appreciated and very encouraging.

Follow on @alecriddle!

YES, you Can, you Will, you Want to!!

YES, you Can, you Will, you Want to!!

3 thoughts on “Mind the Gap! (Week 5)

  1. Hi Alec – I’ve been following your tweets and blogs with interest. I started out on this LCHF lifestyle about the same time as you. I’m an ex triathlete ( did Hawaii Ironman in 1995) but was forced to quit running after breaking my back. After my 3rd Cape Epic this year I decided I wanted to focus on training properly again with a view to performing as opposed to just competing. I enlisted the services of Bruce Diesel to coach me and have experienced fairly decent progress. I realised however that the only way I was going to make any significant progress was by changing my lifestyle and losing weight. I was 95kg and to the general eye in reasonable shape (from an average persons perspective). But like any serious athlete, I knew there was at least 10kg of ‘hidden’ fat that I could comfortably get rid of. I decided to try the LCHF thing and have to say I got it totally wrong. I basically started out by trying to cut all carbs out of my diet. Well all can say is what a disaster. After 3 fairly hard training sessions I was left with nothing in the tank and could not even do a recovery ride. I was told to tough it out; my system would adapt and I would start to feel better. Well I didn’t and I became more and more despondent. I could not do any sort of quality training at all. After 3 weeks of this, I asked Bruce for his advice. Well to his credit, although he told me he does not advocate this eating plan, he put me into touch with Mark Wolff. Well all I can say is what a revelation. He has slowly helped guide me back to full function within the LCHF concept and the results have been remarkable. My training is back on track and I am riding better than before I started this, even though I lost a good 4 weeks of quality training. What I have experienced is exactly the same fluctuations in weight you have mentioned. I can swing up and down by 2kg from one day to the next. The general downward trend however is constant and I have lost 7,5kg in 10 weeks now. The past 4 weeks however I have only been losing on average 400g per week. Sometimes at the end of a week I am actually 1kg up, but at the end of the next week I am 1,5kg down again. I think one just needs to focus on the general trend and not get caught up in the micro cycle. It has also been a huge commitment and change in outlook from my side. I can honestly say I don’t regret my decision and just consider myself so lucky to have Bruce and Mark who have been able to guide me in this endeavor. My goal? Well as you said, once commited to in writing it is hard to go back and change the terms. Goal: 82kg and sub 3hr Cape Argus next year! Lets see where this goes.

  2. Hi Alec, I am Kevin Garwood’s mom, I was with Kevin and Nikki when you gave Nikki your trophy, you do not realize how much that meant to Nikki, thank you for that. Kevin was very much over weight when he first started with the iron man. He has also listened to Tim Noakes and changed his diet. unfortunately Kevin and Nikki could not take part in the Durban Iron man, although they went down there to do it, because of the death of Cheryl”s father so they had to go back to be with the family. I just had to read what you had to say when I saw your name on face book. I think every one that does the iron man are amazing, it is a long hard slog, Nikki thoroughly enjoys it. regards Beryl

  3. A question … how are you feeling otherwise this week? I know you are disappointed about the weight loss (lack of), but have you more energy? Easier to get up in the morning etc.? Or not?

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