A Beginners Guide To Triathlons

If you are thinking about doing a Triathlon but have a multitude of questions, read on. As with anything in life we don’t know how to do something initially and it seems daunting. Best we learn from somebody who has done one, so ask a friend as many folk have done Triathlons. Tri-a-Fun Logo1

Many people in Port Elizabeth think Triathlon is an Ironman, which is out of reach for most so they simply do nothing. The good news is that Triathlon is simply a Swim, Bike and Run event and the Tri-A-Fun Series caters for beginners, juniors and teams, making it achievable for most.

When you do decide to do a triathlon, you will realize that Triathlons are not impossible and solely the domain of Superman or Woman. I’ve done many Triathlons (and Ironmans) but the really fun ones are the shorter events where there are many people participating just for fun.

If you are thinking of entering a Triathlon hopefully the info in this article will help you to push the button and enter and help you to make the event more enjoyable.

Entering a Triathlon
There is a Fun Triathlon Series on your doorstep and you can enter on the http://www.tri-a-fun.com website. There are races for Juniors (Super Sprint) and Adults (Sprint) and no you do not have to sprint! In addition you do not have to do it all yourself, as you can grab two friends and opt for the Team Category.

Race dates are Sunday 22 March and Sunday 12 April 2015:

Super Sprint (Junior) Distances:
• 400m Swim
• 10km Bike Ride
• 2.5km run

Sprint (Adult) Distances:
• 750m Swim
• 20km Bike Ride
• 5km run

There are some great incentives for entering the Series and you don’t have to be the fastest to win a Prize, as there are some amazing Lucky Draw Prizes including two Mountain Bikes (for Juniors) from Performance BIkes, a set of fitted Shocks for your car (for Adults) from Sharwoods and a variety of other excellent prizes.
Once you have plucked up the courage to enter, the hardest part is over, now you need to get yourself prepared.
What equipment do you need?
Triathlon gear can be expensive, but when I started Triathlons I rode what the late Alan Van Heerden called a ‘Postman’s Bicyle, had no wetsuit, fancy Tri-bars or special wheels.

Heard of the Big 5?
Well you only need 5 things to do a Triathlon:
1. Swimming Costume
2. Swimming Cap (Goggles are an optional extra)
3. Mountain or Road Bike
4. Bike Helmet
5. Running Shoes or Takkies

Training for a Tri
Training for a triathlon is as tough as you want to make it, but if you are doing it for Fun, then you don’t need to be spending hours and hours training. Try it out and if you want to progress to an Olympic Distance Triathlon or an Ironman one day, then seek guidance from a Professional Coach like Raynard Tissink.


Stuart Marais with Jamie after the Laggon Swim

Stuart Marais with Jamie after the Laggon Swim

The swim leg of triathlon may be the shortest discipline, but it is one that most fear. Important not to get caught up in the hussle and bussle at the start and to stay relaxed. Do not start by sprinting into the water, as that will escalate your heart rate. Take the start very easy and remember that there will be a lot of lifesavers and water safety people which should help you remain calm.

If you start to get tired, out of breath or worried, simply slow down, tread water, breath and get going again once you have recovered, or raise your arm if you want assistance or somebody to talk you through it. Because there are other people and spectators we tend to want to go too fast, swim at your pace and enjoy it, as finishing is winning!

Hopefully you will feel good coming out of the water, but if you don’t not to worry, the body needs to adjust from a horizontal position using your arms/shoulders to a vertical position using your legs. Do not try and make up lost time by sprinting up the beach to the Transition. Remain calm as you still have both the bike and run left. Don’t rush through Transition, take your time, making sure you have your helmet firmly strapped on and some liquid for the bike.

The Bike

Jamie at X Terra

Jamie at X Terra

If you’ve dusted off the bike that’s been unused in the garage, here are a few things to think about.
*Give your bike a clean and some lube.
*Go for a ride or three to check that all is in working order, in particular your gears and your brakes. If your bike needs some attention, visit one of our race sponsors Triangle Sports in Main Road, Walmer.
*Practice in the kit you plan to ‘race’ in, so you know it fits.
*Use smooth strokes when you pedal and be sure to not only push downward on each pedal stroke, but pull upward. (circles but practice it). This will help you pedal efficiently and effectively and help you go faster.
*Pace yourself, as a 10km or 20km bike can be quite far, especially if you start too fast.

The Run Training with Kyle Buckingham and Jamie in Kona, Hawaii
*Running is possibly the easiest discipline, as we are all comfortable doing it and we don’t forget how to run.
*I would suggest trying a short run straight after a bike ride, so you will see that those ‘jelly’ legs are only temporary.
*You will be tired starting the run, as you’ve probably put in a good effort on the bike. Many people walk in a Triathlon, so don’t be scared to join the club, I have been there and I survived.
*Once again pace yourself, the run may be short but after a bike it’s still quite a challenge.


The views were amazing!

The views were amazing!

For short races like the Sprint and Super Sprint, Nutrition is not all that important, but do ensure you take in some liquids. There will be a water point on each lap of the run, make sure grab a water sachet. Recovery is very important and proper nutrition aids recovery, so be sure to grab your complimentary Cytomax refreshment once you cross the finish line.
For more information visit the http://www.tri-a-fun.com website.

Enter for the Series to Qualify for the following amazing incentives:

*1st 100 Individual Entries receive a Quality Race T Shirt produced by Cuspal

*1st 30 Team Entries receive a Trucker Cap sponsored by Isuzu

*All Series entrants will receive a Voucher for a Kauia Smoothie

YES, you Can, you Will, you Want to!!

YES, you Can, you Will, you Want to!!

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