The Road to Kona Week One

Arrived in Boulder, Colorado one week ago (Monday) and I can hardly believe a week has whizzed on by, which by my calculations leaves me with 11 weeks to Kona (and 6 to Las Vegas). Only 77 Days left, I can remember starting my build up to Kona in SA on 1 May and writing day 1 of 163, how time flies.

Altitude hurts us Coastal boys, but as Boulder Running Company says Boulder is not for Sissys, so we have to get on with it. I have always wanted this, have asked for it, am Blessed to have the opportunity so the last thing I will do is complain about it, as I love it and I really do love the ‘hurt box’ actually! Training this first week was tough though, as Oxygen was scarce, almost like sucking a double thick smoothie through a broken straw, especially on our long ride.

Tried to ease into the training and had a couple of good sessions, including a long run on the Trails Saturday with some reasonably good quality intervals (1 x 3 mile;1 x 2 mile and 2 x 1 mile) and a Sunday long ride up to 9,500 feet. I’ve been humbled on this ride every year I’ve been to Boulder, but this year I am determined to master it and ensure I ride it at least once without getting dropped, as I’m always last and being waited for at the refreshment stop in Raymond. (In fact I’ve been last in every swim, bike, run session this week, but next week I’m sure to see some progression.)

Was great linking up with Freddy Lampret for his brick session on Thursday and our long ride… always good to chat to fellow South Africans. Going to Flatirons Gym is always cool and feeds the motivation when you witness Crowie Alexander and all the other Pros doing lap after lap in the pool. Cannot believe Dave Scott is 58, the man is in unbelievable shape and am looking forward to some swim sessions in his squad and that of Simon Lessing in the coming weeks.

Got my DNA on track….Dream IT, Note IT, Aim for IT! The big question is defining what IT is? I try and follow Tanzanian marathon runner Juma Ikangaa’s approach, he says “I don’t train to beat another runner. We are out there together competing with the marathon and I train to run the marathon as fast as I can.” So I’m over here preparing to the best of my ability, in an attempt to complete the Ironman as fast as I can, as hard to control who will line up, what the wind will do, how hot/humid it will be, so am focussing on what I can control.

Recovery is absolutely vital and the first few days I was struggling to sleep, but last night had a full 8 hours which is comforting. Have joined the AllSports Recovery Centre and make a turn their daily to spend 30 minutes in the Normadic Recovery Boots, which helps immensely.

All Sports Recovery, Compression Boots

This coming weekend is the Boulder 70.3 and this will be a nice outing for me (are they ever nice?) even though I won’t be fully acclimatised. With Las Vegas World 70.3 on 9 September, I can’t afford to race it, but as my focus is Kona, I need the long stuff and how better to get in a good 5 hour session, than in a 70.3 event. Hopefully there will be enough Oxygen to get me through the swim, then I can put in a reasonably hard 90km bike before running an easy 21km on tired legs. It will be tough watching a few of my fellow Age Groupers come hurtling past me on the run, but that is part of the discipline required if one is to achieve ones goals.

Congrats to Jamie and all the Grey Junior rugby teams who excelled against Grey Bloemfontein this past weekend, memories to last forever for those young boys. Made my weekend! Also well done to the Sharks and to Cameron Van Der Burgh, Gold Medal and World Record at the Olympics-doesn’t get any better than that. (Chose the SA Flag picture to show my support for Team SA at the Olympics)

It is tough being away from Michelle, Camryn and Jamie (and friends) and we are all looking forward to us reuniting in a little over 3 weeks from now. I am, however, very fortunate to have wonderful hosts in the De Reuck family and they really do make me feel at home (although at home I don’t have to do chores…. Grrrr Darren! Thanks Colleen for doing my laundry, you are so special). So till next week, keep well, be safe and Live, Love, Life!

Thanks to Isuzu for making this trip and dream possible, Isuzu certainly Delivers! Also thanks to my support sponsors (Cytomax, Orca, Online Innovations) and especially to my clients and my employers, Consolidated Financial Planning for there encouragment and support.

“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” Phil 4:13