Never, Ever Give Up on your Dreams!

A little less than ten years ago, after I had fallen asleep at the wheel of life (for a Decade), I came to a crossroads. My 19 yo Stepson, Reece, had passed tragically and I had taken a long hard look at myself and determined that I would try and restore my body (and my health) and I started to Dream again.

To Dream of the future, of the Possibilities and I’m glad I did as it’s been an awesome Journey and this morning I came across this You Tube clip, which reminded me of why we should Never, Ever Give Up!

This video brought tears to my eyes and Arthur’s transformation is nothing short of miraculous and illustrates that ‘Nothing is Impossible’, as long as you refuse to believe the limits that others place upon us and you don’t place a ceiling upon yourself.

I would like to request each and every one of you to encourage somebody today, somebody who is trying to improve themselves, somebody who needs encouragement, somebody who would like a second chance, somebody who wants to Dream all over again. You can help make it Possible!!

Dream Big!

Dream Big!