Don’t ask me how I lost 3 Kg in 5 days! (Week 4)

Some times in Life you set Goals and you simply have to have Faith in what you are doing and that with perseverance the results will be forthcoming. Well, this past week I experienced something that I have never experienced before, when my weight dropped 3 Kg’s in the space of a few days and it was quite amazing and almost beyond belief.

Dream Big, but focus on winning the daily Battles (journey) and not the War (destination)!

Dream Big, but focus on winning the daily Battles (journey) and not the War (destination)!

Those of you who have been following my Blog will know that in Week 1 I put on 0,5 Kg and in Weeks 2 and 3 I dropped a Kilogram per week for a net loss of 1,5Kg in 3 weeks. Hardly encouraging, considering the sacrifices I had made and the fact that I had changed my whole Nutrition Plan, in trying to cut Refined Carbohydrates out of my diet. Those first three weeks were tough, especially as my body had to adapt, my mind had to be focussed and I had to change habits that have been ingrained in me for Decades and on top of that I simply love the sweet stuff!

The irony is that I’ve got as far as Week 2 or Week 3 before (not on this Nutrition Plan but in trying to eat less) and nothing seemed to happen, so naturally I became demoralised and threw in the Towel and went back to relying on training for hours and hours on end, in an effort to shed the unwanted weight. This is the first time I’ve got beyond first base and it’s as if somebody turned up my metabolism a few notches as I virtually watched the weight drop from 89,5Kg to 86,5 Kg (pre-weekend I was 86,2Kg) and I went wow, wow, wow!!

Let me start by giving thanks to a few people:

  1. Professor Tim Noakes who has been prepared to challenge popular beliefs which helps us to think differently and to raise our belief ceilings. Thanks Tim for your time and effort in encouraging me personally, but also for standing up for what you truly believe in.
  2. My wife, Michelle, who helps keep me focussed and prepares as many as 3 different meals in our household, thanks so much for your support.
  3. Colleen De Reuck is a 4 time Olympian, whom I was fortunate to coach some 30 years ago and her amazing performances in Triathlons this past year (her first year in Triathlon) have inspired me to strive to be better and faster.
  4. All the people who have encouraged me to improve my nutrition, including all those who’ve sent comments or messages these past 4 weeks, but in particular Mark Wolff and Freddy Lampret who are trying new things and a great inspiration to me.
  5. Prof Noakes once more for encouraging me to write a weekly Blog as this has certainly ensured that I remain committed, as it’s like Burning the Boats, you have to win the war and sail home in their Boats or you die, it’s as simple as that!

So what did I do different?

This past week was no different to the past three weeks. The nutrition and the training were virtually identical and I checked my journal and cannot put my finger on anything being different. I recall being told be patient, you may only start seeing results after 4-6 weeks and I also know as an athlete and a former coach that it’s virtually impossible to get results in the short term.

So why have I always been prepared to patiently put in months and years of hard, physical training in pursuit of a goal a year or two down the road BUT was never prepared to focus upon the Nutrition side until a month or so out from my goal race? I guess it’s partially ignorance and partially because I was still able to get a few reasonable results as a result of training hard and a strong mind.

Wish I could swim as fast as an Orca Whale, or as fast as this Orca suit is meant to swim :)

Wish I could swim as fast as an Orca Whale, or as fast as this Orca suit is meant to swim 🙂

I expect that I may hit a small plateau now, but I witnessed enough this past week to know that it is not all about calories in and calories out as so many advocate. I’m certainly inspired to continue experimenting and to reduce the amount of refined carbohydrates I used to eat/drink.

I’ve had a number of people ask me about my eating plan so I’ve compiled a typical day and compared it to a typical day previously and the results are astonishing. Just on reduced Carbohydrates (250-300 grams daily) there would be significant changes within my body, but by reducing the refined carbs and the associated insulin spikes I do think that I will witness improved fitness & health benefits too, but only time will tell. I am committed, I have faith and I will persevere.

You know that place that crushes our dreams if we let it, that place called a Comfort Zone, well I’ve moved out of mine as I don’t want to go to my grave with the dance still inside of me. So I’m dreaming big dreams even though I turn 53 this month & I still have so many things I want to do, to challenge myself and see what I am capable of and hopefully I may inspire a few people (especially my kids) as I journey beyond my Comfort Zone.

Typical Day: Currently

Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs & Tomato (sometimes bacon/sausage), with Cayenne Pepper

Lunch: Salad with Chicken or whatever Protein was cooked the night before, with Balsamic Vinegar (Eating as much as I want, although I’m not as hungry as I used to be)

Dinner: Vegetables with a Protein (Steak/Chops/Fish or chicken)

Snacks: Either an Apple, Strawberries, Nuts or Venison Biltong

Supplements: Generally drink 200ml of Cytomax Muscle Milk (4,5g of Carbohydrates) most days.

Drinks: Lots of water, 1-2 cups of rooibos teas and 2-3 cups of coffee, including 1 Cappuchino (all with no sugar). Plus 2-3 light beers + 2 glasses red wine weekly.

Estimated Carbs daily is about 100grams I think.

Typical Day: Previously

Breakfast: Future Life or Muesli with Yoghurt

Lunch: 4 slices whole-wheat bread with chicken and salad stuff.

Dinner: Potatoes, Vegetables and Protein as above. (Plus sauce)

Snacks: Bananas, Frozen Yoghurt, Biltong, Banana Bread or Carrot cake (weakness)

Supplements: Cytomax drink and  Cytomax Bar

Drinks: Water, Tea, Coffee (with Rusks) and a a coke/sprite light daily. Plus a dozen light beers weekly + 1-2 spirits with mixes.

Estimated Carbs daily was about 350-400 grams! (I had no idea I was taking in so much)

So if you consider that I am taking in approximately 250 – 300 Grams less of Carbohydrates a day than I used to and I feel better for it, in terms of energy levels, sleeping and toileting, then I have to ask did I really need all those Carbohydrates in the past? Or was I simply conditioned into eating and relying on Carbohydrates on a daily basis?

My body certainly has ample fat reserves and if I can encourage my body to use fat as an alternative energy source, then I should see an improved body composition and hopefully an improved aerobic engine, which is what we Ironman athletes need.

Thanks to my sponsors Isuzu, your mantra “You Know You Can!” has never been more appropriate!!

For those who have enquired what I did to get started, I listened to Professor Tim Noakes’ suggestions and I also followed the suggestions of Dr Phil Maffetoneone’s two week test (or start), which is summarised in the link below:

Follow me on Twitter @alecriddle

YES, you Can, you Will, you Want to!!

“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isiah 40:29-31