Body Composition Changes

Fitness & Nutrition expert Dr. Rick Kattouf says In order to get leaner, there are five main components that we need to focus on. (extracted from an article by Dr R Kattouf on Training Peaks’ site.

1. Build muscle: Losing body fat means that we need to increase our metabolism and in order to do so, we need to build lean muscle. It can still be common in the world of endurance sports for weight training to be taboo; but it is the weight training that is key to building lean muscle and changing one’s body composition

2. Nutrition: I’ve been asked many times over the years, “Rick, I want to get my abs ripped; what is the best exercise to do this?” My answer has always been the same. The best exercise for ripped and lean abs is not exercise at all – it’s nutrition, nutrition, nutrition. Proper nutrition is a vital piece of the puzzle for losing body fat, getting lean and getting well hydrated. When it comes to nutrition, eating healthy is not the key; rather, eating “right” is the key. (And yes, carbohydrates are a key macronutrient for getting lean).

3. Heart rates: Sure, cardiovascular exercise is imperative for our sport-specific goals and it is very important for body composition change and body fat loss. But, not just any cardiovascular exercise. Training at the proper heart rates is critical for body fat loss and body composition change.

4. Sleep: Strength training, eating right and training at the proper heart rates are all three very important pieces to getting lean. The one component that may trump all of these is getting the proper amount of sleep each and every night.

5. The Mind: Encouraging individuals to switch their focus from body weight loss to body fat loss can often times be a mental struggle. Individuals may have to forget everything they ever thought and believed to be true about nutrition, fitness and weight loss. For example, individuals may believe that consuming carbohydrates will cause them to gain weight. Or, individuals may believe that weight training is going to make them “bulky”. We have to change the belief in order to change the result.

If you are ready to maximize performance and recovery and achieve that lean physique you have always desired, start to switch your focus and let body fat loss and body composition change take precedence over your body weight. Click here to view my webinar on body composition change.