Boulder 70.3 Race Report

Probably not much to report, other than this was a fun day in very warm weather and a great prep to see where I am with my fitness and my training. The only non-fun part was the Oxygen deprivation at this altitude!

I cycled down to the check in and transition at 05h30, to check in my bike and kit (transition closes 06h20 and the Pros start at 07h00) and then it was a long wait till my wave at 07h45. It was actually quite a surprise to be introduced by the announcer, along with cancer survivors and war veterans as we waited in the water (every age group has their own starting wave). I once again started too fast, probably because of the Altitude and I blew up horribly in the swim so that hurt, both physically and mentally.

Due to the poor swim I started the bike fairly conservatively because I was scared of the altitude, but felt so comfortable at the end of lap one (1h14), that I decided to push the second lap (1h08) and I was breathing heavily and my legs were screaming for levity, but I kept on pushing wanting to run on tired legs.

Into bike transition and I saw a bike or two in our racking area, so knew there was still a couple of guys in my age category ahead, but was determined not to punish my running legs. Even so I had trouble slowing down the first lap and it is amazing what a difference a week makes at altitude, as last Saturday I struggled to run 4:30’s for a 3 mile interval but this week I was comfortable at 4:30’s for the first few kilometres of the run off the bike, which was most pleasing.

Enjoyed some support from Conrad and Liesel Stoltz out on the run course and also at the Boulder Coaching Refreshment Station, which always helps. Ran fairly comfortably all the way and backed off even more on the second lap to finish in 4h 43 min, then had some pizza, a massage, packed my wetsuit and kit and cycled home. Tried to call the family, but they were sleeping already and then checked the results, to discover I had finished 3rd to two very good age group racers Terry Nugent (4h30) and Dave Clark (4h34) and I will have to keep an eye out for them in Las Vegas.

Thanks once again to my sponsors, in particular Isuzu, to my supportive family, to my work colleagues and employers and to my hosts here in America.

Boulder 70.3