Learn from my Mistakes!

One of the biggest threats to our Ironman is not the weather, the course, nutrition or mechanicals!

One of our biggest threats is PRIDE (or EXCITEMENT)!

In Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goes before a Fall,” implies that when people are over confident they are likely to come down to earth with a thud. 1376457_643380632350736_1107955419_n[1]

I don’t think that it is a case of us being over confident (perhaps the opposite may be true), it’s more a case of being ignorant and not knowing what to expect, so let me share a few lessons that I have learnt on my Ironman Journey. One of the biggest lessons I have learnt is ‘Do Not Start Too Fast’, it’s my nemesis and I am one of the most experienced athletes out there, so why make this primary school error?…. is it Pride, Optimism, Over Confidence, Ignorance, Stupidity or simply getting caught up in the excitement & hype?

My ‘stupid’ mistakes.

1. In Las Vegas 2011, my first competitive non=wetsuit swim, I over-estimated my swimming ability (without my Orca suit) and started toooo fast (burnt matches). It was a World Championship race and I had blown 800m into the swim, I was hyperventilating & swimming breastroke. How embarassing, what an idiot?
2. In IronmanSA 2009 I was cycling well for 150km but two punctures later, I was in panic mode & riding the final 30km way too fast(burnt matches) that my legs disintegrated and I ended up running a 6hr 15 marathon. Senseless?
3. In Las Vegas 2012, I had a good swim and found myself in the mix and was trying to keep the AG leaders in sight, so was climbing the hills way out of my comfort zone (burnt matches). Only when I downloaded my Power Data, did I realise why I didn’t challenge for a Podium position and I thought it was because I hadn’t tapered enough.
4. At Kona 2012, at the bike turnaround in Hawi, I ripped my punctured tubby off & was trying to put the brand new spare on (bought at bike shop in Kona when bike serviced and attached to bike by them), only to find the extension they put on didn’t fit on my Zipp 808’s. Heart breaking to say the least! Check all of your equipment (if had a match I may have burnt something).

Don't start too Fast!
Don’t start too Fast!

5. Every year at IMSA (except 2009) I come out of T2 and think I am a better runner than I am (over optimistic or a legacy from my good running days) and it is so easy to run sub 5 minutes/km and I try and run as many sub 5’s as I can (matches burnt). The problem here is that when the energy reserves are depleted, the challenge becomes one of trying to run sub 6’s. This year I am determined not to run any sub 5’s until the final 5km, then I hope to fly or soar on the wings of Eagles!

Why would we start too Fast?

1. After a taper, your body won’t have felt this rested/energized in months, so you will feel like Superman, compared to some of your big block training sessions. Do not fool yourself, you still need to be ultra cautious.
2. You have Dreamt of this for months/years & prepared to the best of your ability, so you will be overly excited and very keen to get on with it.
3. The vibe in the build up to race day is phenomenal and it is easy to get carried away.
4. The national Anthem may bring a tear to your eye as the Sun rises, but at the very least you will get goose flesh.
5. The firing of the Canon will release so much adrenalin, be careful! 10003453_668835299844617_2116064746_n[1]

The 1st 10 minutes!

1. Danger Zone!
2. I always say the 1st 10 minutes could be the most damaging, which implies the 1st 10 minutes of the Swim, the Bike and the Run.
3. This is when you feel great (better) and when the crowds and the adrenalin could help you lose your mind temporarily….Ironsanity as opposed to Insanity?
4. After 10 minutes (of each disipline), the adrenalin will have dissipated, then it’s a good time to try find your rhythm.
5. Ten (10) minutes is all it takes to destroy your whole day, so treat the 1st 10 minutes as warm up.

Stay calm and focus on your Nutrition!
Stay calm and focus on your Nutrition!

6. After the first 10-20 minutes, your heart rate should have stabilised and it is time to start focussing on your Nutrition….and a benefit of not starting too fast is the Nutrition intake/absorption is improved.


Avoid Burning Matches!

1. You have a limited amount of Matches, protect them.
2. A match is burnt when you put in a surge, an interval or climb a hill too fast.
3. In an Ironman it is so easy to Burn a Match, as the required effort is seemingly so easy, especially in the early stages of the bike leg, or the early part of a climb.
4. It will require so much self discipline & restraint to keep yourself in check on the first lap, but those who do can expect more even pacing (laps) and a better marathon.
5. Avoid surges, even if a friend/foe or work colleague comes flying past, keep your Pride in your pocket.
NB: Read Paul Ingpen’s Ironman Magazine, loads of helpful information, race course tips, etc.

Choose Positive thoughts over Negative thoughts.

1. Control what you can control, most notably your thoughts.
2. Remember your mind can only hold one thought at a time, so if you feed it a positive, there is no space for a negative.
3. Celebrate small victories. Every time you achieve something on race day, no matter how small keep expressing gratitude, or positive thoughts eg. goggles still on, around the Buoy without being kicked, out the swim safely, etc.
4. Stay in the present, focus on what is happening in front of you and try avoid thinking too far ahead. Focus on one step at a time, or one km at a time, otherwise it becomes very daunting.
5. The only thing you should think about later on in the day, is the Red Carpet at the Finish Line. Visualise crossing it, hearing the words “You are an Ironman” and embracing friends and family on a feat well done!

The Ultimate Thrill!

The Ultimate Thrill!


I’ve paid plenty of school fees, repeated some school fees as I’ve failed myself at times. However, this year I am in a good space with my mindset, my training has gone well and I am determined to forget about the uncontrollables, such as my competition, the weather, etc. This year I am going to try and keep my emotions in check and listen to the advice above and if I can do that, I know I will have one of my more enjoyable Ironman races ever, which could very well lead to a good result too. I have prepared well, I’ve planned my course, but now it is time to hand over as we cannot control everything that happens on the day (or in life) and I am prepared to accept whatever hand I am dealt, after all Life and Ironman is all about the Journey!

‘In their hearts human beings plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.’-Proverbs 16:9

Recommended reading = http://ironmansa.com/2014/03/30/burn-the-lifeboats-before-you-line-up-for-ironman/

Supported by Family, Isuzu, Fuji, Orca and Cytomax

Supported by Family, Isuzu, Fuji, Orca and Cytomax



Burn the Boats before you line up for Ironman!

Which Boats can you Burn to aid your Ironman?

Remember, that nothing significant was ever achieved within a Comfort Zone and having prepared for Ironman, you’ve discovered that amazing world outside of your Comfort Zone. It is mind blowing to go where others fear to tread (swim, bike or run)…. to raise your Belief Ceiling and achieve things you previously thought Impossible.
Often we are tested and in the past we may have avoided the tests, but we have learnt to take the test and to discover strengths that were previously overshadowed by our weaknesses. swim start

Well that’s the good news, so let’s get Real and remember that nobody will hand you an Ironman finisher’s Medal on a plate, this is something you are going to have to work for, to dig deep and to commit yourself to, hanging on when you may, at first, think it is over.

Some may fail to secure a Finisher’s Medal and it won’t be for a lack of trying, it may be that they run out of time, or suffer unexpected setbacks or mechanicals….these folk are not Failures, as True failure is avoiding the challenge and each and every one of should be saluted for taking up the Challenge.

When the going gets Tough and it surely will, it is easy to slow down, to stop, to turn off the switch, to surrender and it is important that you prepare your mind for these tough choices, for the questions that your mind and body will ask of you. So how are you going to raise your level of commitment, to ensure that you don’t raise the white flag? 1610020_718714968150635_1364474488_n[1]

Ever heard of the story ‘Burn the Boats’, well here is the gist of it and I would encourage you to liken it to the Ironman, which is a daunting 3,8km swim, a 180km bike and a 42,2 km run!

Burn The Boats
In the 16th Century Hernando Cortez set sail for Mexico.
He commanded 11 ships, with 600 soldiers in an attempt to take the world’s richest treasure. The riches had been hoarded by the same army for 6 Centuries. The quest for these riches began several years before when Cortez travelled around Spain building a dream within those men. Many had tried before him and they had all failed.

“Let’s do it!” they agreed after Cortez’s persuasive speech. (You probably also said “Let’s do it!)
The soldiers were in position, the sailors had prepared for months and together they set sail for Mexico and the richest treasure in the world. But once out on the ocean, it didn’t take long for Cortez to realize he had a problem. Many who were excited before the journey, had now turned into whiners. There are always whiners.

Cries of “I shouldn’t have come,” “This isn’t what I thought it was,” “the conditions are tough” and “I didn’t know we were going to have to work this hard,” began to circulate among the people. Yet Cortez persisted….and he constantly worked on motivating his team. They were eager, animated, energized, and as they waited, trained, and prepared for victory, their conviction grew.

But there was one more level of commitment that Cortez wanted to take them to, and they arrived at that place on that last, historic day, as they lined up to march inland. Before they would be allowed to seize the treasure that no army had taken for 600 years, Cortez would speak to them.

They were probably expecting something like, “OK, guys, we’re gonna get out there and win today, and when we do, we are going to be rich. Oh, and if it gets too tough, we’ll just meet at the oak tree and come back to the ship & sail home.” But that’s not what they heard. As they listened, Cortez leaned over and said three simple words that changed everything: “Burn the boats!”
“Excuse me?” they must have said.
“Burn the boats!” he repeated, “because if we are going home, we are going home in their boats.” And he torched them. He burned his own boats, and by doing so, he raised their commitment level to new and astounding heights!
And an amazing thing took place: they fought brilliantly, like men possessed! For the first time in six centuries, the wealth changed hands.

Cortez’s band took that treasure. And why did they win?
The answer is very simple. They had no choice! It was “take it or die” no options. Their boats were burned, there were no Lifeboats!
1545576_747124821976316_2140544563_n[1]That is the attitude you must embrace in your heart and mind: you must burn your Lifeboats. What are the boats that are keeping you from accomplishing what you really want in life, or in Ironman? What vessels in your mind are keeping afloat the fear and doubt and frustration that hold you captive? Whatever prevents you from achieving your goals and dreams is a boat that must be burned.


Tip: Alec Riddle suggests you Burn these Boats to enhance your Ironman experience, simply follow the link: http://ironmansa.com/2014/03/31/burn-this-boat-pride/

Unfortunately, when the bullets start flying, we make for the boats. It’s just human nature. Doing anything else really requires a decision on our part. It’s attitude more than anything. A willingness to work without the net, to burn the bridge, or the boat. What boat do you need to burn? It can only happen one way: by embracing a level of commitment that sees sacrifice as a positive thing.

So many people think of sacrifice as something that is taken away, and it’s gone forever. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sacrifices of time, money, and effort are what we give to the game. How badly do you want that final result?

Are you willing to sacrifice more than ever before? Are you prepared to persevere when common sense says you are mad? If so, then your triumph may be greater than anything else you have achieved. Greatness, your greatness will always be measured by the sacrifices that you are willing to make! 1601255_715398765148922_1773684606_n[2]

So strike a match to the anchors of your past and introduce yourself to the victories of your future. Let it all start on Ironman day, when you push through the mental & physical barriers to reach the Red Carpet and hear the words “You are an Ironman!”

You only have to earn that Medal once and in exchange you will be called an Ironman for life! The only difference is, that you will never want to revert back to living Life in a Comfort Zone, as ‘Anything is Possible!’ and ‘You Know You Can!’

YES, you Can, you Will, you Want to!!

YES, you Can, you Will, you Want to!!



How I overcame an Addiction?

If you have ever been addicted to something, or witnessed somebody with an addiction you will realise that it can bring you to your knees, or hold you back. Sometimes the Addiction can be life threatening and other times not, although a simplistic addiction to games or social media could prevent you from reaching your true potential.

I had an Addiction that was preventing me from reaching my sporting and business goals and contributing to a depressive state of mind. Here’s my story on a seemingly innocent addiction.

When I was down and out (11 years ago) and just having closed a business (before I was liquidated) there was this one thing that was holding me back from rising from the Ashes. It was a terrible Addiction!

It was an addiction to the game Solitaire, a computerised card game with different playing levels. I would never opt for the easy option, so I was always on the top level and to make matters worse I hated losing. So sometimes I found myself playing for hours & hours before I won a game and shut it down for another day.

So I called in the IT guy and asked him to delete every game off my computer. He mentioned that he could hide it and re-install it again in the future. I asked him are you mad? I need to get rid of this temptation for ever and ever, so I effectively Burnt a Boat right there and then.

(http://ironmansa.com/2013/08/22/burn-the-boats-maximise-your-potential/ )

That was all of ten years ago and sure I missed it for a week or two, but by month end I was enjoying its absence. When somebody asked me what is the one thing I can attribute my success to, in work and sport? I responded that it was probably culling the Computer Games. So eradicate temptation, kill off addictions and the sky is the limit!

Now I’m culling my addiction to refined carbohydrates and am on Day 19 and I think the habit, or addiction is close to dead. Am loving every day, feeling better every day and am hoping and believing that my metabolism will kickstart itself soon.

Burn the Boats & Maximise Your Potential!

How to maximise your Potential

We could all improve ourselves, our situation and our life, but most fail to do so. Why?

Well it is said that 97% of people on Planet Earth just ask their brain to do what it did yesterday and Albert Einstein once said “The height of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.”

So how best can we transform ourselves? My personal experience’s and my experiences as a Coach and a Financial Planner have taught me that there are a few key areas that one needs to focus upon, to increase the likelihood of being successful.

1.        Burn The Boats: To be successful you need to have a Plan and you need to take action, but more importantly you need to be accountable. So commit your goals to stone, share your goals with your trusted friends and family and you will increase your chances of success.

If you have done so, it is far harder to turn back or to quit and when the General who ordered his Lieutenant to ‘burn the boats’ on the beaches, before going to war, was asked why? His response was that he needed 100% commitment from his army, there had to be no alternative, no thought of surrender if they were to succeed.

Success is doing what you said you would do. Period! So to be successful there can be no turning back. By sharing my Goals, I have not only committed them to stone but I have put them out there, which escalates my commitment and there can be no turning back, no thoughts of slowing down, no white flag.

Ask yourself what Boats are holding you back from achieving your Goals? It’s a lot easier to move forward when there are no Life Boats!

Dream Big, but focus on winning the daily Battles (journey) and not the War (destination)!

Dream Big, but focus on winning the daily Battles (journey) and not the War (destination)!

2. Mental Contrasting:People who practice mental contrasting almost immediately start pursuing their dreams, putting a stop to procrastination (our biggest enemy). Start by imagining what it is you want to achieve, then contrast that with where you are now. The result is that your present situation becomes framed as an obstacle standing in the way of your dreams.

When I was getting back into training and chasing my dreams, my perception was that I doing okay, until a friend sent me a photo of me running in a race. I was shocked, as I looked like Ollie ‘The Burger King’ and this picture was the catalyst to me striving harder, to making more sacrifices.

It is important to see ourselves as we can become and not as we are.

3. Success Spirals: Accomplishment, no matter how small is the first step to self improvement and creates confidence, which creates effort and fuels our passion, resulting in more accomplishment.

The secret, however, is to start small (but start) and pay attention to incremental improvement, breaking down large and intimidating tasks into manageable bits. It’s also important to build in some achievable accomplishments and reward them as you progress.

When people aim to do an event like the Ironman, they very often cannot run 20 minutes without stopping. I certainly couldn’t 8 years ago. The key is to get started and one small step becomes two, the days become weeks, months and years and before you know it an extraordinary transformation may have taken place. Remember that progress fuels our motivation levels.

Dawson Trotman said “The greatest time wasted is the time getting started” and more often than not, it is the first steps which are the hardest, so focus with all of your might for the first two weeks and then momentum takes over.

4.       Keep a Journal: This is paramount to being successful and my journal is always at my side. They say that people who keep a food journal lose twice as much weight as those who don’t. Focus on your goals, chart your progress and acknowledge change. This will encourage you and then your confidence and enthusiasm will grow.

Have a daily to do list to focus upon, to help you achieve your goals, but never have more than five items on a To Do List, otherwise it becomes intimidating. It’s also as important to have a ‘Not to do” list, so you can focus upon the things that are distracting you from your Goals.

It is key to ask What’s Important Now (W.I.N.) and check to see if what your about to do (or consume), will move you closer to your goal, or further away?

5.      Quiet Time: Your opening minutes set the tone for the day. Choose to be positive, irrespective of the weather or which side of the bed you get out of.

Try to awaken 15-30 minutes earlier and spend some quiet time with your Journal, where you are in control of your thoughts. (Alternatively spend some quiet time before going to bed) They say that the mind is either a terrible Master or a fantastic Servant. It’s your choice.

In closing, remember that the person who challenges themself often and experiences the most wins.

Follow Alec on Twitter @alecriddle:

 A Dream is a Wish until commited to a Plan!

A Dream is a Wish until commited to a Plan!

10 Tips to maximise the 80 days till Ironman

80 Days to Ironman = It’s closer than you think!

When setting Sporting Goals for an event seemingly a long way away, there are certain things we can do to increase our chances of a successful outcome.

With Ironman a little under 3 months away, here are a few ideas that I will be implementing to try and ensure I remain focussed and motivated, you may want to consider incorporating a few of them too.

1. 80 Days! For me that brings a little more urgency (than 3 months) and encourages me not to waste training days, or windows of opportunity.

2. Burn the Boats! If the Boats are torched there is no turning back, no surrendering. So share your goals and commit them to stone.

3. If you, like me, need to streamline your body then stick a photo of your current self on the fridge door and the bathroom mirror. Mentally start contrasting that with where you need to be and start seeing yourself as you can become and not as you are.

4. Make sure you have a Training Plan (Road Map). Planned sessions (especially with training partners) get done, unplanned ones don’t!

5. Seek professional help ( why try reinvent the wheel and make unnecessary mistakes?) and who better to get guidance from than Raynard Tissink. I think they have an Ironman special on currently, go to www.raynardtissink.com

6. Carry little cue cards and just before you succumb to buying that chocolate, read it. Eg. ” Will this take me closer to, or further away from my Goal?” – easy to pass it up now.

7. Treat every Goal you set, as a Promise you have made to yourself (or your loved ones), it’s harder to break promises than skip sessions.

8. Focus on one day at a time! Just as in a race, it is important to stay in the Present, otherwise it becomes too daunting.

9. Progress fuels motivation, so set achievable short term Goals, as these help you to achieve the bigger, audacious Goals.

10. Sometimes we are very close to achieving our Goals, but we don’t Persevere and we quit and this becomes a habit, it becomes part of our make-up. So if you do decide to chase a Dream, a Vision, a Goal it’s important to understand that it can take 14-21 days to break the shackles of bad habits, which in a short space of time can become good habits and enjoyable ones too. The key is being bold enough to take that first step.

For those wanting a little more reading here are two links to (A) How to achieve your Dreams and (B) Scott Rigsby’s 5 key steps to achieving the Impossible. All the best!!



An Ironman Finish Line = An unbelieavable feeling!

An Ironman Finish Line = An unbelieavable feeling!