New IMSA Bike Route

Uploading this has been as challenging as riding the course itself, but here is the link to the all new Ironman South Africa bike route.

This is the 3rd time I’ve ridden it and I guess a little less winter excess together with some improved fitness has made it easier each time, but make no mistake this is going to be a beast, although a Westerly would make our task that much easier.

Yesterday we had a Westerly but previously we endured the beasterly easterly, which we definitely want to avoid on race day. The link provides a map, the elevations, as well as a playback option with varying speeds.

One lap is alright albeit tough, but my concern is the accumulative fatigue which will build incessantly throughout and particularly as we do the hilly loop a second time. However, if you are well prepared (we have 14 weeks) all will be fine, so ensure you do your long rides, your hill repeats and some big gear work and try and avoid burning too many matches on the hills early  on. (You may need to change your gear ratios too)

YES, you Can, you Will, you Want to!!

YES, you Can, you Will, you Want to!!