How I overcame an Addiction?

If you have ever been addicted to something, or witnessed somebody with an addiction you will realise that it can bring you to your knees, or hold you back. Sometimes the Addiction can be life threatening and other times not, although a simplistic addiction to games or social media could prevent you from reaching your true potential.

I had an Addiction that was preventing me from reaching my sporting and business goals and contributing to a depressive state of mind. Here’s my story on a seemingly innocent addiction.

When I was down and out (11 years ago) and just having closed a business (before I was liquidated) there was this one thing that was holding me back from rising from the Ashes. It was a terrible Addiction!

It was an addiction to the game Solitaire, a computerised card game with different playing levels. I would never opt for the easy option, so I was always on the top level and to make matters worse I hated losing. So sometimes I found myself playing for hours & hours before I won a game and shut it down for another day.

So I called in the IT guy and asked him to delete every game off my computer. He mentioned that he could hide it and re-install it again in the future. I asked him are you mad? I need to get rid of this temptation for ever and ever, so I effectively Burnt a Boat right there and then.

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That was all of ten years ago and sure I missed it for a week or two, but by month end I was enjoying its absence. When somebody asked me what is the one thing I can attribute my success to, in work and sport? I responded that it was probably culling the Computer Games. So eradicate temptation, kill off addictions and the sky is the limit!

Now I’m culling my addiction to refined carbohydrates and am on Day 19 and I think the habit, or addiction is close to dead. Am loving every day, feeling better every day and am hoping and believing that my metabolism will kickstart itself soon.