Final Thoughts for IMSA70.3

For those doing IMSA 70.3 I’ve been receiving numerous requests for info about what to pack/take, open water swim tips, the bike route, etc. I’ve put together a few links to my Blog with specific articles providing information on each, so feel free to take a read and share with your friends. Hope it helps!

Before you leave home work through a checklist (see below):

Here is a link to the 70.3 Bike Route:

Hopefully this piece on Tapering endorses what you’ve been up to (see below):

Open water swimming tips (see below):

Wishing you all a great day and enjoy the Journey!

YES, you Can, you Will, you Want to!!

YES, you Can, you Will, you Want to!!

IMSA 70.3 Bike Route

If you are racing IMSA 70.3 in East London for the first time, it may be a good idea to know what the bike route entails (follow link):

A few tips regarding Bike Route/Training:

1. It’s a steady (undulating) climb all the way to the turn around, so save something for the return trip and especially the 21km run.

2. Do not push (overdo it) the long, tough climb up to Hemingways.

3. Try drive over the bike route to visualise what is in store for you.

4. Incorporate Hill Training into your weekly plan and do some hills in a slightly bigger gear (50-60 RPM) to build power. (gradually adapt your training)

5. To run 21km after a 90k bike, implies a need for endurance so best you do some 90km+ rides in training, thereby ensuring the 90km doesn’t sap all of your energy.

6. Practise your Nutrition on your long rides and try drink/eat just after the top of a hill or on the flatter sections as Heart Rate will be lower.

7. Don’t forget the Brick Sessions (Intro to Brick Sessions coming soon)

Here is an article I wrote on Tapering for 70.3, worthwile reading now and then again closer to race day.

bike      2012 Spec Savers Ironman  Cut back on long rides/runs